Inspiration Thursday: Plumdinger

Welcome to my first ever Inspiration Thursday. Here I will be sharing with you various images that inspire me, and their source, because credit where credit’s due, people.

This week deep reds, plums and cranberry colours have been jumping out at me left, right and centre. This first image is from an awesome design blog I am absolutely loving sick right now. Graphic Designer, Lauren Willhite, of Color Collective takes works from artists, designers and phtographers and creates palettes with colours drawn from the images. Check out this one she calls bookshelf porn. No kidding, Lauren, I’m with you there.

I heart the combination of colours in this super pretty dress, found at Damsel Vintage. Me likee for spring wardrobe!

Two of my lady icons who pull off the deep red lippie and nails like no other.

Kylie Minogue - my idol for life
Marilyn Monroe - need I say more?

What’s inspiring you this week?

Author: Sally T